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Kavala The must-see city of Macedonia
Kavala is a city of beauty both natural and manmade. Long stretch of beaches, lush vegetation and crystal clear waters are a natural backdrop to man’s creation of a modern efficient world of business accommodation, hospitality services and leisure activities.
Source: TTG – Greece Special Edition EIBTM ’96.
Kavala is not just any town, therefore a lot call it “Lady” of the north. The town itself as well as the countrysides around the country gather a great number of vacationers, tourists and passing excursionists every summer. The country of Kavala is one of the most developed, with perfect touristic foundation, variety of interests, organized entertaining centres and facilities for cheap of luxurious vacations.
If you stand on the hill in the old town there where the old walls separate the neighbourhoods and have a look to the clear pure blue of the Aegean, you will certainly get surprised by the endlessness you will face.
The old town, the ornament of the area, is built on the norrow strip of land, which enters the sea and cuts the coast into two. In the neighbourhood of Panagia there are saved the best mansions which reveal the francial vigor of the old people of Kavala. You should feel the awakening of the town in the morning, the time when the caiques return from fishing. It is the best time to wander around its beautiful port, to hear the sound of the sea and to a dmire its wealth in the full of fish caiques.
Kavala is a known fishing centre with a big dock and fishing fleet, while it has a walthy market of fruit and vegetables.
Source: Tourist Flash Macedonia ’96.
The prefecture of Kavala is a favoured region with an interesting history and unique natural beauty. It is well known for its lovely capital Kavala, for the green wooded island of Thasos, the only island in Macedonia, for Philippi, and for the gold-bearing Mt Pangaio. It is in the southeast of Easter Macedonia, between the rivers Strymon and Nestos, which form its natural boundaries. Among its capital’s more important monuments are the Citadel, the Imaret, Mehmet Ali’s house, the Kamares Aqueduct and splendid mansions.
The town of Kavala has many fine sandy beaches with clear blue waters, most of which are organized. The best are Kalamitsa, Batis, Toska, Iraklitsa and Ammolofi at Nea Peramos.
Philipi is another major town in the Prefecture and one of considerable archaeological interest… It’s most important monuments are the Ancient Theatre, one of the largest in Greece, the Forum, the Ancient Agora and St Paul’s Prison. A little beyond Philippi is Lydia’s Baptistery. This was where the first European Christian, Lydia, was baptized. It is a place of worship and attracts hundreds of devotees.
Gold-bearing Pangaio is an indivisible part of the Prefecture of Kavala, a veritable treasure with a history rich in myth and tradition. Its rugged beauty makes it all the more impressive. Full of green forests and imposing monasteries, it is famous all over the country.
Among the most beautiful and ecologically important localities are the Delta and Narrows of the River Nestos. Every colour on nature’s palette can be seen there along with scenes of unique beauty.
Kavala’s “Alexander the Great” airport serves both internal and external air routes (Germany). In the summer there are up to 70 flights a day. This part of the country is a true earthly paradise, a place with its own natural beauty, a brilliant history and considerable cultural activity.
Source: Tourist Guide of Greece ’98
Have a smashing time in Greece
Like Homer’s Ulysses who fell into the arms of the bewitching Circe, the tourists just settle in and stay, and they do not explore the Greek mainland with its significant series of touristic and cultural attractions. To do this, you have two options: If your priority is beach, rest and relaxation, go with Sia’s Thassos very reasonable family package. And then take a day out to tour Kavala city, which is accessible by ferryboats leaving hourly to the mainland and back again that same day to Thassos. But, even better, it is possible to purchase the return air ticket only to Kavala, and either explore by car or via the local bus. This weaves along the craggy coast, stopping at all the local beach towns, where you can get out and swim, or go all the way to the ancient capital city of Thessaloniki, where you can see the unequalled sights of this northeastern province, called from time immemorial, Macedonia. Here you can see the treasure of Alexander the Great in the Ancient Museum, breathtaking Orthodox Churches, and other living memories of the ancient Greek and Early Christian worlds: here you can actually follow in the steps of the missionary St Paul the Apostle, as well as shop in some of the most elegant boutiques and join the “golden youth” in the lively cafés and discos. If you have a car you can even visit the legendary Monastery of Mount Athos, where even today, only men are allowed!
Source: The Budapest Sun may 27 – June 2, 1999
Legendary Macedonia Kavala
The Apostle Paul’s first stop in Greece, Kavala is a lovely port city in eastern Macedonia. Backing onto the slopes of Mount Simvolon, the city’s old quarter, called the Panagia, offers winding lanes bordered by well-preserved eighteenth- and nineteenth- century buildings leading to a medieval castle situated on a hill above the port.
A lively town with plenty of shops and restaurants, Kavala embodies the best of Ottoman-era Greece. One of the town’s hotels, The Imaret, should be considered a desirable destination by itself. Built by the Egyptian pasha Mohamed Ali in 1817 (Ali was born in Kavala), and used as a seminary, today it has been restored in all its eastern glory, with peaceful courtyards, high domed rooms and even a hammam.
Source: epikouria
La Grecia di oggi tra passato e future
Storia e turismo di Kavala, Thassos e Samothraki.
Kavala appare, a quanti la raggiungono dal mare, come un anfiteatro collocate tra il porto e le colline circostanti. Non sfugge all’ attenzione la fortezza medievale che domina dalle alture a picco sul mare. La citta deve il suo nome al fatto di essere stata il centro principale per l’ allevamento e il commercio dei cavalli.
A fianco di un moderno porto trova posto il vecchio porticciolo dei pescatori con pittoreschi ristoranti, piu in la un animatissimo mercato sullo sfondo di un acquedotto a due pianni che risale al IV secolo. L’ antica citta, cinta da mura byzantine, e arroccata su un promontorio. Qui il visitatore curioso potra scoprire l’ Imaret (l’ ospizio e l’ ospedale musulmano dei poveri) e la casa di Mehemet Ali: un bell’ esempio di architettura turca tradicionale. Molti sono gli edificiche testimoniano dell’ importanza socio-economica avuta dalla coltivazione e dalla lavorazione del tobacco.
Antica colonia di Thassos col nome di Neapolis, Kavala divenne un centro importante durante l’epoca romana e cristiana perche era la principale via d’accesso per Filippi, l’antica Krenides, che dista solo circa 15 km. Gia nota nell’ antichita per le sue miniere d’oro, Filippi acquisto maggiore fama nel 42 a.C. per lo scontro tra le due armate romane: una guidata da Antonio e Ottaviano (poi divenuto l’imperatore Augusto) e l’altra comandata dagli assassini di Cesare, Bruto e Cassio che dopo la sconfitta si uccisero. Ma Filippi e pure ritenuto il luogo dove San Paolo fondo la prima comunita Cristiana un secolo dopo la célèbre battaglia. Sono ben visibili i resti romani che comprendono la via Egnazia, l’ antico Teatro, il Foro, la Palestra e i Bagni pubblici: gli uni poco distanti dagli altri.
Laschiamo la storia e la cultura – e la temperature lo consiglia! – per fare il primo tuffo nelle splendide acque del Mar Egeo. Tra le innumerevoli possibilita che la costa ci offre, scegliamo “Tosca Beach”, qualche chilometro fuori dall’ abitato di Kavala. Un’ incantevole insenatura naturale, sabbia finissima, una vegetazione circostante rigogliosa! Vorremmo potervi restare piu a lungo, invece abbiamo il tempo per una nuotata, una doccia e… dell’ ottimo pesce da gustare godendoci il paesaggio che ci circonda! Sono veramente molte, lungo la nuova e comoda strada costiera che da Kavala conduce a Nea Peramos, le spiagge (private e pubbliche) che t’ invitano a un bel bagno! Per gli amanti del pesce – e questo vale per tutta la Grecia – c’e poi solo l’ imbarazzo della scelta. Noi, anche se l’ abbiamo gustato un po’ ovunque nelle “onnipresenti taverne” (dove si mangia bene e a prezzi contenuti), vogliamo ricordare una cena consumata a Nea Iraklitsa (meta serale privilegiata degli abitanti di Kavala) dove sia il pesce, sia la compagnia sono stati “superlativi”.
Source: TICINO Viaggi / Turismo 14 / 7 / 94.